European universities supporting legal and community capacities for Ukraine’s environmental recovery


GROMADA aims to develop cooperation between European universities to support public and legal capacity for environmental recovery in Ukraine. As the war has brought a huge toll to Ukraine’s environment, the project fosters civic engagement in environmental citizen science in light of its legal dimension. By analysing barriers and opportunities for community engagement in environmental action and peacebuilding, GROMADA emphasises the legal aspects of environmental harm monitoring in war, empowering conflict-affected communities.

Through a series of actions designed together with university students, academic staff and citizens, GROMADA enhances capacity building for environmental advocacy and action taking. In this context, the role of technology is crucial in mapping the ways through which communities, individuals and universities can create new models of crisis resilience based on public participation in environmental monitoring and restoration in Ukraine. GROMADA recognises the importance of involving local communities in post-conflict recovery by adopting a “citizen science-law-environment” triad that empowers Ukrainian citizens in their struggle for environmental justice.

Project acronym: GROMADA

Full project title: European universities supporting legal and community capacities for Ukraine’s environmental recovery

Funding: This project is funded under the Erasmus+ Programme (KA2 action)

Project number:  2023-1-SE01-KA220-HED-000151848


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Our Experts


Meet the passionate minds behind the GROMADA project, coming from various disciplines relating to environmental protection, citizen science and civic monitoring. They share the aim to support Ukraine in its environmental recovery during and after the war!

This project has been funded with the support of the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union. However, the European Comission’s support for the production of this website does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Gromada Team

Advisory Board

Gromada Team
